Lately I’ve been making stuffed Kongs for our girls almost daily. Sometimes just with their meat meal in it, or a handful of kibble, but regularly I try to make it more interesting for them, in terms of flavors. I’ve been sharing the photos of it on Instagram for a while now, as inspiration, and I thought it would be fun to make a series of inspiration posts here on the blog as well. So today part 1 in this series!

Kong idea 1 – Sausage and baby snack
This one was quite simple, I cut a Naturis sausage into small pieces, and put them in the Kong layer by layer, alternating with the Olvarit baby snack.

Kong idea 2 – Pollock and Pumpkin
With these ingredients I also built up the contents of the Kong layer by layer, until the Kong was full. The ladies loved it! You can put the fish in it raw, but if you prefer you can also cook it for a bit. When you cook it, make sure there are no fish bones left in the meat, they can become sharp from heating and form a danger to your dogs’ health.

Kong idea 3 – Kibble, banana and Easy Treat
Our dogs love bananas! So I cut a banana into small pieces and put them in the Kong, alternating in layers with some kibble. I topped the whole thing off with a layer of Kong Easy Treat. This way you only have to use a little bit of the Easy Treat, and the kibble stays in the Kong a bit better.

Kong idea 4 – Spinach omelette with kibble
This one was a little more work. I stir-fried an egg, with spinach leaf cut into small pieces. I let that mixture cool, then mixed it with kibble and put it in the Kong. The girls loved it!
Of course, all these ideas also work with other food balls. I will try to make this series a monthly recurring item on the blog, so that a constant flow of inspiration continues to come through here!
Do you have any great ideas for the Kong? Feel free to share them with me! I’m always open to inspiration!
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