DIY recipe for Dog Training Treats
I’ve been making a new batch of mini training cookies regularly for my girls for quite some time now, and they love them! The size is ideal for use during dog training classes. Before training, I stuff a few handfuls of cookies in my jacket pocket, and just click and treat!
For baking these cookies I use special silicone baking mats, these can be bought at various stores (including Collory in Germany, they have all kinds of nice shapes for a change!), but you can of course also bake larger cookies and break those into smaller pieces, or keep the consistency slightly thicker and make small dots on a piece of baking paper. The mats work very quickly and nicely, so if you plan to bake more often, investing in one or more of these mats (I always use three at the same time) is a good idea.
You can go in all directions in terms of taste of the cookies, and that of course makes it extra fun! I have listed a few ideas in the recipe below, but let your imagination run wild!
Mini Training Cookies
With this recipe I fill about 4 baking mats with batter and I end up with about 2000 mini training cookies
- 400g flour (I prefer gluten-free flour such as buckwheat flour)
- 6 eggs
- 2 tablespoons oil
- ‘taste’ in ratio 1:1 with the flour (so if you have 2 cups of flour, also use 2 cups of ‘taste’) – see notes
- water
- Mix the flour, oil and eggs well with a mixer
- Add the flavor and mix well
- Add water as needed, I find the consistency of pancake mix easiest to work with with the mat
- Place the mat on a baking tray and preheat your oven to 180C
- Pour part of the mix over the mat and spread well (I use a silicone dough spatula for this myself)
- Bake the cookies in 35-45 minutes, depending on the amount of water you put in
- There is enough mix to fill the mat several times, I end up with one container of mix always with about 1500-2000 cookies
Flavor ideas:
- Spinach
- Peanut butter (be careful with xylitol, preferably use special dog peanut butter)
- Cheese, preferably very fine powdered cheese
- Canned tuna in water
If after baking you feel that the cookies are still very moist, place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper for a while at 50°C, with the oven door ajar. How long it takes for them to dry out completely depends on the moisture content, but usually a maximum of 2-3 hours is enough.
Have fun baking!
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